Idealist Readings
The Idealist Readings podcast, hosted by Natalia Vorontsova, offers its listeners intellectual yet approachable essays and interviews on philosophy of mind, metaphysics, cosmology, psychology, mythology, basic physics, and more. This podcast is produced by the Essentia Foundation (www.essentiafoundation.org).
Подкаст "Чтения идеалиста", который ведет Наталья Воронцова, предлагает своим слушателям интеллектуальные, но одновременно доступные эссе и интервью по философии сознания, метафизике, космологии, психологии, мифологии, основам физики и многому другому. Этот подкаст выпускается фондом Essentia (www.essentiafoundation.ru).
Idealist Readings
Can we know the future? The science of precognition.
Mainstream science still tends to dismiss extrasensory phenomena (ESP). However, these so-called ‘anomalous phenomena’ are key to understanding the nature of reality, claims Dr. Julia Mossbridge: “We are beginning to change the way we think as science enters the ‘maybe we got it all wrong’ phase.” In this interview, Natalia Vorontsova talks to Julia about her research in fields ranging from neuroscience and psychology to physiology and physics, tackling questions of free will, the nature of time, the mind-body problem, and key metaphysical implications.
You can also watch this podcast in a video format on our website or YouTube channel. Please use the links below.